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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Meetings with Jerzy Grotowski
Monika Blige and Dariusz Kosiñski in conversation with Zbigniew Osiñski about his book Spotkania z Jerzym Grotowskim (Meetings with Jerzy Grotowski; s³owo/obraz terytoria, Gdañsk, 2013)

Mon 28 October, 6pm
Laboratory Theatre Space
Admission free

Jerzy Grotowski, one of the greatest artists of twentieth-century theatre was a man of meetings. One can say that his artistic path was realized through meetings with people. The book includes notes from meetings between the author and Grotowski, various people’s letters to Zbigniew Osiñski on Jerzy Grotowski, Grotowski’s letters to Osiñski, and a study entitled Dzie³o Jerzego Grotowskiego jako „przedmiot badañ”, in which the author attempts to sum up his experience with Grotowski’s work.

 Zbigniew Osiñski is a theatre scholar, Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw, Poland. He was the initiator and first director of the Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski’s Work and for Theatrical and Cultural Research in Wroc³aw in 1990; he was the Centre’s artistic and research director from 1990 to 2004. He has published theatre writings of Jerzy Grotowski (together with Janusz Degler; Teksty z lat 1965–1969), Mieczys³aw Limanowski, Juliusz Osterwa, Wac³aw Radulski, Konrad Swinarski. His major books include Teatr Dionizosa. Romantyzm w polskim teatrze wspó³czesnym (1972), Grotowski i jego Laboratorium (1980; American edition: Grotowski and His Laboratory, with Robert Findlay’s afterword, New York, 1986), Grotowski wytycza trasy. Studia i szkice (1993), Jerzy Grotowski. Od „divadla predstaveni” k rituálnym hrám (Bratislava, 1995), Grotowski. ¬ród³a, inspiracje, konteksty (1998), Pamiêæ Reduty. Osterwa, Limanowski, Grotowski (2003), Nazywa³ nas bratnim teatrem. Przyja¼ñ artystyczna Ireny i Tadeusza Byrskich z Jerzym Grotowskim (2005), Polskie kontakty teatralne z Orientem w XX wieku (2008; vol. 1: Kronika, vol. 2: Studia), Jerzy Grotowski. ¬ród³a, inspiracje, konteksty (2009, vol. 1, 2nd revised edition; vol. 2: Prace z lat 1999–2009), Jerzy Grotowski e il suo Laboratorio. Dagli spettacolo a L’arte come veicolo, (Rome, 2011).