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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Matej Matejka

Matej MatejkaMatej Matejka (Slovakia) – collaborator of the Grotowski Institute since 2005, where he is engaged in research of physical expression in the theatre. Actor of Theatre ZAR and one of the leaders of physical training for the company. He performs in Gospels of Childhood, Cesarean Section. Essays on Suicide   and is currently working on Anhelli, Calling. He leads his own work sessions Wakening the Listening Body at the Grotowski Institute, as well as with Theatre ZAR, both in Poland and internationally. Performer in 2001–2006 of the Theatre Studio Prague, Farm in the Cave in the projects Dark Love Sonnets, Journey to the Station  and SCLAVI / The Song of an Emigrant. He is collaborating with choreographer  and  dancer Jaro Vinarsky.