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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Jaroslaw Fret

Jaroslaw FretDirector of the Grotowski Institute and a founder and a leader of Theatre ZAR. Starting from 1999 he organized several expeditions to Caucasus and the Near and Middle East to explore the old Christian churches (Georgian, Armenian, Syrian) and the Mandaeas – the last living, ancient Gnostic group surviving in Iran. One part of this project is Theatre ZAR’s performance, The Gospels of Childhood, which has been presented in Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, and Hungary. He was a co-editor of two special issues of 'Pamietnik Teatralny' dedicated to Jerzy Grotowski (Warsaw 2000–2001). He leads the Grotowski Institute with Grzegorz Ziolkowski where they organise numerous events: conferences, theatre and music presentations, exhibitions, work sessions, lectures and meetings which correspond to the challenges laid down by Jerzy Grotowski’s artistic practice.