PhD, theatre scholar, editor, translator from and into English (among others of Peter Brook’s The Shifting Point and Jerzy Grotowski’s Towards a Poor Theatre), theatre director and work sessions leader, lecturer at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and author of Teatr Bezposredni Petera Brooka [The Immediate Theatre of Peter Brook, Gdansk 2000] and Guslarz i eremita. Jerzy Grotowski: od wykladow rzymskich (1982) do paryskich (1997–1998) [Sorcerer and Hermit. Jerzy Grotowski: from Rome (1982) to Paris (1997–1998) lectures, Wroclaw 2007].
From 1991–2001 he was the artistic director and an actor of Biuro Poszukiwan Teatralnych [The Office for Theatrical Research] in Poznan. He was co-creator of the International Theatre Festival Maski in Poznan from 1997 to 2003. The originator and organiser of numerous theatre conferences. He collaborates with Krakow/Wroclaw theatre journal Didaskalia and has published articles in Dialog, Teatr, Scena, and Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne.
In 2004, with Prof. Paul Allain, he co-edited a special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review devoted to Polish theatre after 1989. In 2005, with Prof. Janusz Degler, he co-edited Essere un uomo totale. Autori polacchi su Grotowski. L’ultimo decennio (Torino, Wroclaw 2005). He was Programme Director of the Grotowski Centre and the Grotowski Institute in 2004–2009. He programmed and co-directed Atelier 2007 and Atelier 2008. He led work sessions in Armenia, England, Malta, South Korea, and Poland.