Znajdujesz się™ na archiwalnej stronie Instytutu Grotowskiego działają…cej do 21 marca 2016. Aktualna strona dostę™pna jest pod adresem: www.grotowski-institute.art.pl.
Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Duncan Jamieson

Graduated in European Theatre from Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama, London. He is currently a PhD student in the Department of Drama at the University of Exeter, supervised by Prof. Phillip Zarrilli and William Stanton. His thesis explores aspects of ethics, structure and subjectivity in performance practice and contemporary philosophy, focusing on the work of Jerzy Grotowski. He has written on Grotowski for Contemporary Theatre Review and has taught at the University of Exeter since 2005.