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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Maisternia Pisni

Maisternia PisniIs an artistic research centre organised by Natalka Polovynka and Serhij Kovalevych in 2003 in Lviv along the lines of a medieval guild that emphasises the relation of master-disciple. The artistic activities of Maisternia Pisni which can be placed on the intersection between Theatre and traditional music, oscillates around processes taking place in the human consciousness, as well as fundamental laws shaping changes in culture. Undertaking traditional forms of singing, Maisternia finds a trace blazed by generations that leads to what is personal and unique, and also can be passed to another person. From this point of view, traditional song surpasses esthetical forms and seems to carry knowledge, as well as being a form of study, therapy and life transformation. In such a context, song becomes service, an instrument which enables connection with traditional ways of thinking.
