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To the Light 8–31 August 2009
Directed by Grzegorz Ziolkowski
The Atelier consists of a series of practical and theoretical work sessions for actors, musicians, singers, dancers and theatre people, with the aim of working on craft in the primary meaning of the word. Craft involves the ability to discover creative motivation within oneself, to make use of tools and to keep the working spaces in order (both studio and environmental spaces and the spaces of the body and the voice).
These elements comprise the skeleton of the actor’s creative preparation for actions, the core of which is re-cognition and commitment.
The Grotowski Institute has thus far realised two Ateliers: Source Techniques – Sources of Techniques in 2007 and Suspension of Expression in 2008. These involved work leaders such as: Ang Gey Pin (Singapore), Domenico Castaldo (Italy), Duncan Jamieson (UK), Matej Matejka (Slovakia), Natalka Polovynka and Sergey Kovalevich (Ukraine), Zygmunt Molik, Monika Blige, Piotr Borowski, Jaroslaw Fret, Adela Karsznia, Magdalena Madra and Grzegorz Ziolkowski (Poland). The Ateliers enabled the participation in this work of 32 young artists from the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Russia/Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. After these experiences the Institute reorganises the Atelier so that in 2009 one work leader will work for an extended period of time with a selected group of artists.
During the Atelier 2009 the first seven days will be devoted to different forms of training (focused on breath, voice, song, movement, and acrobatics) and to the creation of individual scenes from a base of individual, pair and group improvisations. These etudes will be then shared with the other participants and a number of invited guests. After this presentation, the work leader will decide on the composition of the working group for the following two weeks. Selected participants will continue the work on training, improvisations and scenes, but during this phase the collective will be emphasised in order to bring about the creation of a group ‘dramatic miniature’. The theme for this process of creation will be light – its different sources, its meanings, and the various impacts and reverberations it may create around us and within us. We will study the light – from fire to illumination.
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