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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Calendar of Horizon's Open Events
  • October 15-31

14th –16th October (Wednesday –Friday), 8:00pm   


Presentations in Grobla main space,

22th October (Thursday), 10:00pm

Electric Party Songs in Browar

(Electric Party Songs is a performative event of Open Program to which people are invited without paying tickets)  

24th –25th  October (Saturday–Sunday), 8:00pm   


Presentations in Grobla main space

27th October (Thursday), 10:00pm

Electric Party Songs at Kalambur

  • October 30 - November 13

Zero Budget Festival
Zero Budget Festival, a multidisciplinary arts festival ideated and co-organised by the Workcenter, takes place within the frame of Horizons Part III, and is also supported by Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego.