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Eurypides: Medea

September, 1–2 October  {Fri, Sat, Sun} 7 pm / Admission free
Laboratory Theatre Room, 27 Rynek-Ratusz

Euripides: Medea  premiere showings of the production

Adapted and directed by Tomasz Man
Performed by Jolanta Góralczyk
Sets by Eva Farka¶ova / Music by Karbido

This is a recasting of the ancient tragedy in modern visual and musical form. Medea is an electro-opera for one voice that we hear in many different tones. Jolanta Góralczyk delivers a high-calibre performance playing all the characters of Euripides’ tragedy. The viewer can follow the psychodrama of a woman who takes revenge on her husband by killing their children.

Tickets for performances: 20 PLN (students 15 PLN)
Tickets and booking: / tel. 71 344 53 20
Grotowski Institute / 50-101 Wroc³aw, 27 Rynek-Ratusz, tel/fax: +48 71 343 42 67