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The Grotowski Centre collaborated on realizations of the following films and programs: “Aktor calkowity”. Wspomnienie o Ryszardzie Cieslaku (1937–1990) [‘The Total Actor’: Ryszard Cieslak in memoriam], script and realization: Krzysztof Domagalik, production: TVP S.A., 1994, 66’. Maja Komorowska, script and realisation: Krystyna Boguslawska, production: TVP S.A., Studio Filmowe TOR, 1994, part I: 52’, part II: 66’. Inicjaly J.G. [Initials J.G.], script and realisation: Mieczyslawa Sikorska, production: TVP S.A. Katowice for Telewizja Edukacyjna, 1996, 29’. Cyrograf nie podpisany... czyli Ludwik Flaszen i jego wedrowki [Pledge not signed... or Ludwik Flaszen and His Wanders], script and realization: Elzbieta Sitek, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw, 1997, 64’. Jerzy Grotowski. Proba portretu [Jerzy Grotowski: An attempt of the Portrait], director: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz, production: TVP S.A./ARTE 1999, 58’. From the cycle “Theatre Conventions” part 8th: Powrot do korzeni [Back to the Roots], about contemporary inspirations by sources of theatre. By Prof. Jozef Kelera, realisation: Jacek Bunsch, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw for the Educatory TV, 1997, 29’. Grotowski: the Laboratory Theatre – Anniversary – Memories, realisation: Elzbieta Sitek, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw, 1999, 32’. Byc w zgodzie ze soba [To Be in Agreement with Oneself], prepared by Elzbieta Sitek and others, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw for the Channel 1 of TVP S.A., 1999, 25’. Wierny sobie [Faithfull to Himself], prepared by Elzbieta Sitek and others, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw for the Channel 2 of TVP S.A., 1999, 22’. Wokol ‘Akcji’ Grotowskiego i Richardsa [Around 'Action' by Grotowski and Richards] written and realisation: Elzbieta Sitek, production: TVP S.A., Wroclaw, 1997, 24’. Spotkania z niezwyklym czlowiekiem. Peter Brook we Wroclawiu [Meetings with A Remarkable Man: Peter Brook in Wroclaw], realisation: Elzbieta Sitek, production: TVP S.A. Wroclaw, 2005, 15’. ISTA. Szkola Teatrum Mundi [‘ISTA. School of Teatrum Mundi’] written and directed: Elzbieta Sitek, TVP S.A. Wroclaw, 2005, 24’. Sceny ze sceny [Stage scenes] a programme by Lukasz Drewniak for TVP Kultura: Wojciech Majcherek, 2007. |