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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Wykłady otwarte w ramach Seminariów letnich

, 28 września, 18:00
Wykłady w języku angielskim
Miejsce: Sala Kinowa Instytutu Grotowskiego, Rynek-Ratusz 27
Wstęp wolny

 21 września {piątek} 18:00

Jon McKenzie: Smart Media and Performative Scholarship
[Smart media w performatyce]

This lecture-performance explores the relation of performative scholarship and ‘smart media’ and emerging digital forms of scholarly communication, such as TED talks and theory comix. I will both describe and demonstrate experiments in ‘post-ideational’ thought, attempts to think in ways alongside or other than ideas and concepts. Examples range from textual experiments by twentieth century philosophers to the marketing of ‘serious’ video games to the recent ‘shifts’ or performative scholarship events staged by Performance Studies International in Zagreb, Amsterdam and Leeds.

Jon McKenzie is Professor of English and Director of DesignLab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance (Routledge, 2001), which has appeared in Polish as Performuj albo... Od dyscypliny do performansu, and of such articles as “Global Feeling: (Almost) All You Need is Love”, “Abu Ghraib and the Society of the Spectacle of the Scaffold”, and “The Sociopoetics of Interface Design”. He is also co-editor of Contesting Performance: Global Sites of Research (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), which focuses on performance research around the world.
McKenzie’s work combines theory, design and experimental production. He connects cultural, technological and organizational performance paradigms and argues that performativity operates through iterative networks, both global and local, normative and mutational. McKenzie worked in New York’s Silicon Alley in the 1990s as an information architect and has since developed courses in experience design, performative scholarship and electronic civil disobedience. Since arriving in Madison in 2007, he has coordinated the Digital Humanities Initiative, a network of faculty, librarians and technologists. He is currently conducting a series of experiments in post-ideational media.

 28 września {piątek} 18:00

Jean-Marie Pradier: Jerzy Grotowski: Between Sciences, Art, and Spirituality
[Jerzy Grotowski – pomiędzy nauką, sztuką a duchowością]

Throughout his life Jerzy Grotowski refused to be labeled in any mental, spiritual, aesthetic or social categories – “to be put in a bag”, as he said. Considered one of the most influential leaders of experimental theatre, he was also a radical actor trainer, lecturer and a kind of esoteric guru, a student of eastern philosophies and a Gurdjieff disciple. Most people, including his Collège de France colleagues, were very impressed by Grotowski’s exceptional intelligence and knowledge, but little has been written about his scientific turn of mind despite testimony from his elder brother, Kazimierz Grotowski, a famous physicist and member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. All that has been said, imagined or dreamed about Grotowski has an element of truth. For me, Grotowski is a kind of modern-day Heraclitus. This Greek philosopher is known for claiming that there is an underlying connection between the opposites. He called this complementary relation “enantiodriomia”, a race between opposites. The chaotic and divergent nature of the world is the mask of a coherent system in which a change in one direction is ultimately balanced by a corresponding change in another. The task of philosophical and scientific research is to discover and analyze the hidden connection between all things, as Grotowski did.

Jean-Marie Pradier, emeritus professor since September 2009, previously co-Director of the Theatre Department at the University of Paris VIII, holder of two doctorates: University Doctorate in Psychology (1969) and State Doctorate of Letters, specializing in theatre studies (1980). He began teaching at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Toulouse while working as a theatre professional with an experimental group and in the psychiatric domain in France. Following research in Iraqi Kurdistan, he was dismissed by the Turkish authorities as a result of his work on the Kurdish national liberation movement. For five years he worked in Uruguay, where he founded and organized the Teatro Laboratorio de Montevideo before being appointed to the University of Rabat. A permanent founding member of the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA) since its creation in 1979 by Eugenio Barba, Professor Pradier was one of the guiding lights in the foundation of ethnoscenology (1995), a branch of ethno-aesthetics dedicated to the study of human spectacle and performance practice. He is scientific director of the journal L’Ethnographie, author of numerous publications and a member of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord. He continues his research in the interdisciplinary study of embodiments of the imaginary (of which the performing arts are a subset) and has organized conferences and summer schools on this theme, as well as serving as a visiting professor at several foreign universities.
Among his published works, two in particular focus on ethnoscenology:
• La scène et la fabrique des corps. Ethnoscénologie du spectacle vivant en Occident (Ve siècle av. J.–C–XVIIIe siècle), Corps de l’Esprit, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1997
Fànic, Fàlic, Fàtic – Vers una teoria neurocultural dels espectacles vius, Acadèmia Dels Nocturns, Universitat de València, 1998

Wykłady w ramach Seminariów letnich