Acropolis, Faust, Hamlet |
In the Theatre of European Myths with Ludwik Flaszen EVENT RESCHEDULED Fri, 14 December, 5pm Laboratory Theatre Space “The Acropolis” Ludwik Flaszen’s seminar session with Grzegorz Niziołek Admission free Sat, 15 December, 4pm Laboratory Theatre Space “The Acropolis” Ludwik Flaszen’s seminar session with Krzysztof Czyżewski Admission free Seminar sessions with Krzysztof Czyżewski, Prof. Dariusz Kosiński, Prof. Grzegorz Niziołek, Prof. Krzysztof Rutkowski, Prof. Włodzimierz Szturc, Prof. Joanna Walaszek All sessions will be held in Polish Ludwik Flaszen and his guests will discuss the founding myths of the West that appear in theatre (Marlow, Shakespeare, Goethe, Wyspiański), their role in shaping a European consciousness, and their resonance today – in a globalized world, at a time when cultures meet and clash, when Europe is searching for a new self-identity. Is there more to the Acropolis than just the ruins for tourists? Are Faust and Hamlet our contemporaries? We civilizations now know ourselves mortal. Paul Valéry The Hamlet conundrum in Poland is what there is in Poland to think about. Stanisław Wyspiański Ludwik Flaszen was a witness and participant in a great era of theatre. He co-founded the Laboratory Theatre, was its co-creator throughout the theatre’s life (1959–1984), and its head director in the 1980s. A critic, writer, Grotowski’s long-time partner in a creative dialogue, he himself became a theatre practitioner, leading paratheatrical actions and acting workshops in many countries. His first book, Głowa i mur (The Head and the Wall, 1958), was confiscated by the communist regime’s censors. He is also the author of Cyrograf (A Pact with the Devil), a collection of essays and short prose on the fate of the individual in a totalitarian society (first edition, 1971; latest edition, 1996, Kraków; French version, 1990, Paris), and a tome of sketches on theatre entitled Teatr skazany na magię (A Theatre Sentenced to Practise Magic; Kraków, 1983) containing texts and lectures about his collaboration with Grotowski and his contribution in establishing the creative doctrine of the Laboratory Theatre. In 2010 his book Grotowski & Company came out. It is now being translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese (in Brazil) and Italian, and an extended and revised Polish edition is forthcoming. Since 1984, following the dissolution of the Laboratory Theatre, Flaszen has been living in Paris. Grzegorz Niziołek – is a professor at the Jagiellonian University and the State Drama School in Kraków, as well as Editor-In-Chief of the theatre journal Didaskalia. He has authored books on Tadeusz Różewicz, Krystian Lupa and Krzysztof Warlikowski. Between 2004 and 2007 he was Literary Manager of the Stary Teatr and Artistic Director of the re:visions festival. Between 2008 and 2010 he was Artistic Director of the Festival of Dialogue of Four Cultures in ŁódĽ, Poland. Krzysztof Czyżewski – is a practitioner of ideas, poet and essayist. He founded the Borderland Foundation (Fundacja Pogranicze) and the Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations Centre in Sejny. He runs the Pogranicze publishing house, where he edits the series Meridian and S±siedzi (Neighbours). Czyżewski has set up a host of programmes for intercultural dialogue in Central Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Indonesia, Bhutan and other borderlands. In 2011, together with other editors of Pogranicze, he launched the Centre for International Dialogue in Krasnogrud. He is President of the HALMA network of European literary institutions (Berlin), Chairman of the Council of the Eastern Partnership Culture Congress (Lublin) and, since April 2012, Artistic Director of Wrocław European Capital of Culture 2016. |