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Teatr bez teatru. Performanse w Anglii Wschodniej u schyłku średniowiecza


Mirosław Kocur
Title: Teatr bez teatru. Performanse w Anglii Wschodniej u schyłku średniowiecza
Date: September 2012  
ISBN: 978-83-61835-80-6
Format: 165x238 mm
Paperback: 486
Price: 10 Euro

Selected pages 

Book subsidised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Department of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Wrocław

Mirosław Kocur
is a theatre director, historian and anthropologist of theatre and performance. He is a professor at the University of Wrocław and the Ludwik Solski State Academy of Theatre in Kraków (PWST). He is a graduate of the Wroclaw University of Technology (1979) and the PWST in Kraków (1986). Kocur has directed plays and lectured in Poland, Switzerland, Italy, the UK, Greece and the US. He participated in a number of projects of Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, designed and built bridges in the south of Poland, was Artistic Director of the Wrocław Second Studio (1987–1990) and Director of the “Broken Walls” festival of arts in California (1991). In 2005 he was awarded a Fulbright research scholarship. He has published the following monographs: Teatr antycznej Grecji (Ancient Greek Theatre; Wrocław, 2001), We władzy teatru. Aktorzy i widzowie w antycznym Rzymie (In the Reign of Theatre: Actors and Spectators in Ancient Rome; Wrocław, 2005) and Drugie narodziny teatru. Performanse mnichów anglosaskich (The Second Birth of Theatre. Performances of Anglo-Saxon Monks; Wrocław, 2010). He is a member of the European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama. He is a contributor to a number of theatre journals, including Teatr and Dialog.