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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Voice and Body
Workshop with Jorge Parente, assisted by Zoe Ogeret

Mon-Sat 11–16 March Mon-Thu 12 noon–5pm, Fri-Sat 10am–3pm
Laboratory Theatre Space

The training is based on the “Body Alphabet” – the core of a training method created and developed by Zygmunt Molik (1930–2010), co-founder and actor of Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, where he played a crucial role in developing a voice training approach.

The “Voice and Body” approach, developed by Zygmunt Molik for 48 years, enables the trainee to open up their voice and body through precise physical actions (the “Body Alphabet”). The approach involves individual work based on associations of “Body Alphabet” elements, a kind of improvisation around personal stories. This activates the resonators, and leads to the discovery of the sources of body vibration.
The approach also seeks to harmonize breath and movement, and puts the spontaneity and naturalness that emerge during the work (in singing and speaking) in the service of singing. The aim is to speak as if singing and sing as if speaking, and to find unity between the depth of exploration and the lightness of execution.

The workshop will include:
• learning and rehearsing specific physical exercises of the “Body Alphabet” (which engage and strengthen the whole body as well as activating vocal impulses),
• individual and collective voice work,
• individual work with a text and a song, supervised by the trainer.

Jorge Parente
(born in 1963 in Estoril, Portugal) is an actor, director and teacher. He graduated in acting from L’école d’art dramatic de Daniel Postal: Le Joueur Requarde. He became involved in theatre in 1989. From 2004–2007 he worked as a manager and director at Teatroàparte, Grupo de Teatro da ART, Lisbon. He has performed in many theatre productions, films, as well as TV series and sitcoms f or RTP.
He has been a teacher since 1990. He is currently a lecturer at Escola de Formacao de Actores Para Teatro, Lisbon, and at Sciences-Po University, Paris, where he has been teaching public speaking since 2005. He also collaborates with the Cantabile Association (Le Theatre Adyar).
In 1992 Parente met Zygmunt Molik, lead actor of Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, creator of the “Voice and Body” training method, which he followed and developed from 1960–2008. After 18 years working with Molik, first as a trainee, then as an assistant, Parente became the only official exponent of “Voice and Body”. He appeared in the first film presentation of “Body Alphabet”, which was released with a book by Giuliano Campo and Zygmunt Molik, Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work. The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski (Routledge, 2010).
Parente conducts Voice and Body workshops throughout the world, often assisted by Zygmunt Molik’s long-time trainees: Zoe Ogeret and Tiago Porteiro.

Zoe Ogeret is an actress; she is assistant engineer at Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5). From 1991–2008 she was a member of the French National Committee for Scientific Research, from 1992–2008 she was involved in the International Union of Psychological Science. Between 2002 and 2008 she served on the International Council for Science (ICSU). Zoe Ogeret spends much time assisting Jorge Parente in conducting international workshops.