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The Grotowski Institute welcomes the collaboration of volunteers. We kindly request organisational assistanceduring ventures such as theatre festivals, presentations, meetings, conferences and work sessions, as well as support for the archival, promotional, and publishing activities. In return for their help, volunteers receive, among other benefits, free admission to performances and workshops. The volunteers’ work is by its nature unpaid, with the exception of expenses borne in the course of, and due to, the undertaking of their duties. Volunteers working at the Grotowski Institute are expected to be responsible, punctual and diligent; they should also handle the equipment entrusted to them with care, and take good care of the working spaces. A fundamental characteristic required of volunteers at the Grotowski Institute is their willingness to cultivate a sound work ethic. Duties and benefits of volunteer work at Grotowski Institute A volunteer undertakes to:
A volunteer has the right to: