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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
The Source and the Form
3rd summer workshop programme of the Site for Theatre Practices Lavauzelle

With Sankar Lal Sivasankaran Nair, Ulyana Horbachevska, Cécile Da Costa, Jean-François Favreau, Marie-Geneviève L’Her, Marc Naya Diaz

Mon-Fri 22 July – 2 August
1 Lavauzelle, 23250 Janaillat, France

The workshops will be conducted in English and French.

• 530 EUR/440 EUR*
• 440 EUR/350 EUR – early registration by 10 June
* under 26 and unemployed
The fee does not include travel to the Site, accommodation and meal. We offer transport to and from La Souterraine (train station on the Paris–Limoges–Toulouse line).
• Full-board accommodation: 260 EUR

Contact and application

Please send your cover letter and CV to Marie-Geneviève L’Her (; 0033 (0)6 03931399) by 30 June 2013. The number of participants is limited. We will get back to you by 2 July 2013. Participants who apply by 26 May 2013 will pay a reduced fee.
Participants will be asked to pay half the fee by 12 July.

What is the real source of my acting (a point, energy, tone, quality...)? What are the similarities between performing an existing score and giving birth to a form? What are the criteria that help me understand whether a path is promising or not?

This 12-day workshop is open to actors, dancers and singers, both professional and amateur, who want to immerse themselves in intense practice.


• Introduction to Kalarippayattu: physical preparation and practice of the traditional Indian martial art with Sankar Lal Sivasankaran Nair (Studio Kalari, Wroclaw/Trivandrum)
• Voice work based on traditional Ukrainian singing with actress and singer Ulyana Horbachevska (Ultramarine/Maisternia Pisni, Lviv, Ukraine)
 • Searching for the expressive body: movement as reaction – body investigation and a physical theatre workshop with actress and choreographer Cécile Da Costa (Spitfire/Farm in the Cave, Prague, Czech Republic)
• Towards a theatre of sound: singing, text and stage presence explorations with members of Théâtre de l’homme ivre (Paris, France) and collaborators of the Grotowski Institute: Jean-François Favreau (actor-singer, director) and Marie-Geneviève L’Her (physical theatre actress and pedagogue) with the assistance of Marc Naya Diaz (Barcelona, Spain)


- 8 hours of daily work: 9am–1pm, 3pm–7pm
- Meetings, video screenings and talks in the evenings
- At the end of the process participants and teachers will present an open work demonstration.
- Participants will be able to rest and relax in a natural setting, surrounded by countryside and forest. The work will take place in an old barn, a typical example of the work of the stonemasons of Creuse, and outdoors, in the woods and meadows.

Located in the distinctive, protected setting of a former farm in Limousin, the Site for Theatre Practices Lavauzelle aims at spreading and teaching a theatrical tradition that builds a contemporary performative work on composition rather than interpretation and on certain traditional forms, parts of which are used as a creative material.


Sankar Lal Sivasankaran Nair
is a Kalarippayattu teacher and certified Ayurvedic massage therapist born in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Sankar started studying the Southern style of Kalarippayattu in 1990. His masters have included Tirupuram C. Madhavan (Anjaneya Kalari Sangham), Jayachandran Nair (Kerala School of Martial Arts), Thankappan Assan and Ajith Kumar (Maruthi Marma Chikilsa Kalari Sangham and Ayurveda). Currently his master is Raja Gopalan Assan. Between 2005 and 2008 he worked with Milón Méla, an Indian theatre group, co-conducting numerous workshops and performing at festivals across India and Europe. In 2008 he moved to Wroc³aw, Poland. Sankar teaches Southern Kalarippayattu (he runs regular classes in Wroc³aw as well as workshops in Poland and abroad, among others in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and India) and practices Ayurvedic massage. He co-founded Studio Kalari and opened his own kalari in Trivandrum, Kerala, in 2013.

Ulyana Horbachevska graduated from the Lviv Academy of Arts. As an artist, she expresses herself through singing and theatre as well as through painting, costume design and set design. From 1998 to 2003 she worked as a restorer of icons and large-scale paintings in Ukraine and Poland. From 2002 to 2011 she was a singer, actress and painter in Maisternia Pisni (, a long-term partner of the Grotowski Institute. With Maisternia Pisni she performed in Rasa and Irmos, and recorded three albums: On Sunday Morning, After Christmas and Light Appearance. Since 2011 she has been pursuing her own artistic path and conducting research on her own (she recorded the album Dole), collaborating with various groups, international musicians and visual artists (the artistic association Triptych,; the Ultramarine project with Klaus Kugel, Mark Tokar and Petras Vysniauskas).

Cécile Da Costa
has been working as a physical actress and singer since 2005. She was a member of the international theatre studio Farm in the Cave (Prague, Czech Republic) for 5 years, performing in Sclavi/The Song of an Emigrant, Waiting Room, Divadlo/The Theatre and work demonstrations under the direction of Viliam Docolomansky and with the choreographic guidance of Charlotta Öfverholm (DV8). She took part in several research expeditions organized by Farm in the Cave – to Ruthenia (Slovakia) and Northeastern Brazil (exploring the martial art of capoeira and dances bumba meu boi and cavalo marinho). The company performed widely in and outside Europe and won multiple awards at the Edinburgh festival. As well as leading workshops, Cécile is now working with Spitfire Company, Prague, as a choreographer and actress.

Jean-François Favreau first worked with the self-taught group Compagnie La Machine (Paris) while still a student of literature. Then he was an actor-singer with several music and performance projects before joining Theater Tanto (Vienna, Austria) for Researches of a Dog after Kafka and Teatr ZAR (Wroc³aw, Poland), with which he has performed, since 2008, the triptych Gospels of Childhood. He is also a long-time collaborator of Sergey Kovalevich, with whom he has worked on the project “Song of Songs”(Lviv, Ukraine). Presently, he is working in France with Alexis Forestier on The Mystery-of-mysteries after Cummings. He took part in numerous research expeditions organized under the auspices of the Grotowski Institute, which explored traditional singing in the Mediterranean area (Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily). Since 2010 he has been the leader of the international ensemble In Medias Res. He has staged texts by Witold Gombrowicz, Georg Büchner and Robert Walser with Théâtre de l’homme ivre, which is a continuation of La Machine. He is the artistic director of the Site for Theatre Practices Lavauzelle.

Marie-Geneviève L’Her first trained as a puppeteer and performed as such with La Machine (Paris, France) for 5 years. In 2004–2005 she discovered physical theatre working as an actress with Teatr Jednego Wiersza (Opole, Poland; Zyszczy Nam and U¿ytkownia). Then she studied corporeal mime at Étienne Decroux’s school in Paris (Hippocampe School and Pas de Dieux theatre company) and was an assistant to corporeal mime teacher and performer Thomas Leabhart (Pomona College, California). Since 2009, within the Théâtre de l’homme ivre, a theatre company she co-founded, she has been investigating movement, building her own practice and leading workshops. In 2011 she was an artist in residence at Tomaszewski’s Mime Theatre and the Grotowski Institute (Wroclaw, Poland). There she created the physical score of the performance Marie, which she has performed ever since. She is also a singer with the In Medias Res ensemble and directs the educational line of the Site for Theatre Practices Lavauzelle.

Marc Naya Diaz (assistant) is currently completing his acting studies at the Institute del Teatre in Barcelona, where he has performed in several plays. He is studying with Moreno Bernardi and is a member of the research laboratory Drama Ritual, led by Pere Sais, performing in the piece Ergo II. He is also developing a solo project called Proyecto Voces, based on flamenco songs and a text by Ramón del Valle-Inclán. Marc is collaborating with the Site for Theatre Practices Lavauzelle under the Erasmus programme.

Partners: The Grotowski Institute, Studio Kalari, Institut del Teatre (Barcelona, Spain), Théâtre de l’homme ivre, Janaillat municipality council, CIATE and Creuse District