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Page 4 of 6 Fausto Malcovati, PhD, is Professor of Russian Literature at the University of Milan, author of a large number of papers and books on Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Goncharov, and Turgenev, and articles on the work of Stanislavski, Vakhtangov, and Meyerhold. His books include Vjaceslav Ivanov: estetica e filosofia (1990), Dostoevskij. Invito alla lettura (1996), Stanislavskij, vita, opere, metodo (2000) and Mejerchol’d. L’ultimo atto (2010). Katarzyna Osiñska, PhD, is Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Her main area of research is twentieth-century Russian theatre, especially its studio and laboratory dimension. Her other interests include cultural transfer. She has curated programmes designed to promote Polish theatre internationally. Her major publications include monographs Klasztory i laboratoria (2003) and Teatr rosyjski XX wieku wobec tradycji (2009). Nikolai Pesochinsky, PhD, is Professor and Vice-Rector for International Relations at the Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy. His fields of research include the art of directing, avant-garde art, and the history, methodology and theory of theatre studies. He is a member of the International Federation of Theatre Researchers, the International Association of Theatre Critics (Executive Committee, 1998–2008) and the Jury of Russia’s most prestigious theatre award, The Golden Mask. Béatrice Picon-Vallin, PhD, is Emeritus Research Director of the Research Workshop on Intermedia and the Performing Arts (ARIAS) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). She is an expert on Russian theatre and the history of European theatre staging and acting. She investigates the links between theatre and other arts. She has written numerous monographs (including Meyerhold. Les Voies de la création théâtrale; 1990, 2004) and edited many collective volumes. |