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Rejoice! Sacred Songs to Theotokos
Natalya Polovynka, Julia Tsviah and Nazar Romanyuk (Word and Voice theatre centre) will perform sacred songs of the Orthodox Church (irmoses).

Tue 3 December, 7pm
Venue: Greek Catholic Cathedral of St Vincent and Jacob, pl. Biskupa Nankiera 15
Admission free

Concert as part of Voicencounters, practical seminar

“Irmos” (gr. heirmos, ‘connection, song’) is an artistic anthropological project, the means and fulfillment of which is irmos, an orthodox spiritual practice realized in a contemporary socio-cultural space and embodied in contemporary artistic forms. The aim of the project is to renew the word, heal the personal territory of service and creativity, and gain a new practical knowledge of the rules of tradition, the canon, by purifying the motives for singing the irmos.

Project leaders: Natalya Polovynka, Sergey Kovalevych

The Lviv Municipal Performance, Art Research and Educational Centre “Word and Voice” was founded in 2010. The impulse for its creation was the need to establish an Ukrainian school of live tradition, which would teach the practical use of knowledge of tradition and traditional techniques in contemporary theatre. The “Word and Voice” centre is a territory of new theatre, based on tradition, classic theatre and the ideas of Jerzy Grotowski, Klim (Volodymyr Klimenko) and Sergey Kovalevych.

Our work focuses on words and voice. This is one of the possible paths of development and education and a new resource of artistic inspiration in our contemporary world in which we risk losing the notion of words and voice as a naturally given way of connecting us with God, the world and other people.

Art director: Natalya Polovynka, winner of the Taras Shevchenko National Award 

In collaboration with the Greek Catholic Parish of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Wroc³aw and Gdañsk

Coat of Arms of His Excellency Bishop W³odzimierz Juszczak
From the website of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Wroc³aw and Gdañsk