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¬ródła teatru [Sources of theatre]

In conversation with Prof Mirosław Kocur on his book ¬ródła teatru (Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2013), hosted by Prof Janusz Degler

Mon 19 January 2015, 18:00

Laboratory Theatre Space

Admission free


 Mirosław Kocur’s ¬ródła teatru is a pioneering and innovative project. The author proposes to broaden and deepen theatre studies. […] Lavishly illustrated, his book contains an original synthesis of the latest developments in fields as diverse as anthropology, archeology, paleontology, ethnography, history, philology, neuroscience, physics and performance studies. ¬ródła teatru is an unprecedented venture in contemporary academic literature.

More information:

Mirosław Kocur is a theatre director, historian and anthropologist of theatre and performance. He is a professor at the University of Wrocław and the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków, Branch in Wrocław. He graduated from the Wrocław University of Technology (1979) and the PWST in Kraków (1986). Kocur has directed plays and lectured in Poland, Switzerland, Italy, the UK, Greece and the US. He participated in a number of projects of Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, designed and built bridges in the south of Poland, was Artistic Director of the Wrocław Second Studio (1987–1990) and Director of the “Broken Walls” festival of arts in California (1991). In 2005 he was awarded a Fulbright research scholarship. He has published the following monographs: Teatr antycznej Grecji, We władzy teatru. Aktorzy i widzowie w antycznym Rzymie, Drugie narodziny teatru. Performanse mnichów anglosaskich and Teatr bez teatru. Performanse w Anglii Wschodniej u schyłku ¶redniowiecza. His latest book, ¬ródła teatru, (2014) is published as part of the University of Wrocław’s “Złota Seria” series.


Photo by Karol Jarek