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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
The Dynamics of Metamorphosis

Screening of a documentary on the artistic and research project “The Dynamics of Metamorphosis” led by Pawe³ Passini, El¿bieta Rojek, Przemys³aw Wasilkowski and neTTheatre

Directed by Pawe³ Passini and Jacek Chamot, assisted by Maria Porzyc; camera by Mariusz Rych³owski; editing by Jacek Chamot; produced by the Grotowski Institute, Poland, 2014; co-produced by Biuro Festiwalowe Impart, 2016; 58 minutes
In Polish and English

Mon 12 January 2015, 19:00
Cinema Room
Admission free
The screenings will be followed with a talk with Pawe³ Passini.

The project “The Dynamics of Metamorphosis” sought to reconstruct the repertoire of skills of the ancient actor, particularly the impersonation and transformation techniques. The researchers explored the question of what competences a contemporary actor should have to enact characters from ancient drama. Spanning two years and involving 18 actors from 9 countries, the project, conducted at the Grotowski Institute, and was split into work sessions, each of which concluded in a work demonstration.

Filmed during the ninth session of “The Dynamics of Metamorphosis”, this film includes the final work demonstration at Na Grobli Studio, a discussion during the conference “The Dynamics of Metamorphosis: The Conclusion” held in June 2014 at the Grotowski Institute, as well as footage from previous work sessions filmed by Maria Porzyc.

Still from the film