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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Grotowski. Profanacje

Dariusz Kosiñski
Grotowski. Profanacje (Grotowski: Profanations)
May 2015
190x120 mm
10 Euro

Selected pages              

Seeing the fundamental uniqueness of Grotowski’s ideas and practice, I propose to view his attitude to those myths and sacred Polish figures as acts of profanation in the meaning proposed by Giorgio Agamben. […] While retaining and striving to meet all theatre historical obligations, the final goal of this book, it turns out, is to ask questions or even try to provide answers concerning not the early 1960s and the artist who died almost 15 years ago but the problems we face today. In this dimension, which is also the most personal dimension, I would like the book itself to be a successful profanation, returning the achievements of Jerzy Grotowski to the common use.
(excerpt from the book)

Dariusz Kosiñski is Professor in the Department of Performance Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He has authored the following books: Polski teatr przemiany [The Polish Theatre of Transformation, 2007], Grotowski. Przewodnik [Grotowski: A Guide, 2009], Teatra polskie. Historie [Polish Spectacles: Histories, 2010] and Teatra polskie. Rok katastrofy [Polish Spectacles: The Year of Disaster, 2013]. Between 2011 and 2013 he was Research Director of the Grotowski Institute. In 2014 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute.