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Home page arrow Archive arrow Chronicle arrow The Grotowski Centre arrow 2004 arrow January

7th January
The language of the unconscious in film
The meetings are part of the depth psychology seminar, conducted by Andrzej Kuzmicki from the Society for the Study of Psychoanalysis. Lecture: Unconsciousness – darkness – desire, complemented by fragments of the Oliver Stone movie Natural-born killers.

12th, 13th January
what is the word? after Samuel Beckett. Solo performance by Krystyna Krotoska.

14th Janu
The fifth anniversary of Jerzy Grotowski’s death
Inaugural lecture by Jerzy Grotowski at College de France as part of the cycle La ‘lignee organique’ au theatre et dans le rituel [Organic line’ in theatre and in ritual], delivered on 24 March 1997 at Peter Brook’s Theatre des Bouffes du Nord in Paris. Presentation of the audio recording from the series Le livre qui parle, with simultaneous Polish translation. Introduction: Zbigniew Osinski and Grzegorz Ziolkowski.

18th–19th January
Dark Love Sonnets
Presentations of performances by Farm in the Cave Theatre Studio (Prague, Czech Republic), directed by Viliam Docolomansky.

21st January
The language of the unconscious in film
The meetings are part of the depth psychology seminar, conducted by Andrzej Kuzmicki from the Society for the Study of Psychoanalysis. Lecture: Unconscioussness – suffering – self-sacrifice, complemented by fragments of the Lars von Trier movie Breaking the Waves.

26th–31st January
A series of workshops: Voice line in theatre
Workshop led by Olga Szwajgier.

30th January
Official ceremonies: transferring directorship of the Grotowski Centre from the retiring Stanislaw Krotoski to Jaroslaw Fret; awarding Stanislaw Krotoski and Zbigniew Osinski
Golden Crosses of Merit and Commander’s Crosses Polonia Restituta. The Wroclaw Town Hall.