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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Ludwik Flaszen

Ludwik Flaszen. Phot. Maciej ZakrzewskiCo-establisher of Laboratory Theatre, collaborator of Jerzy Grotowski in years 1959–1982. Literature director, in 1980–1982 director of Laboratory Theatre. Essayists, reviewer, theoretician of the Laboratory Theatre, practitioner of paratheatre, director, and pedagogue in domain of actor’s craft. Author – among others – of following books: Teatr skazany na magiê [Theatre Sentenced to Magic] 1983), a tome of sketches and pamphlets G³owa i mur [Head and Wall] 1958 – confiscated by the Polish censorship), Cyrograf [Pact with Devil] 1971, 1974, 1999, French edition Chirographe, Paris 1989). Together with Carla Pollastrelli he published a book in Italian Il Teatr Laboratorium di Jerzy Grotowski 1959–1969, testi e materiali di Jerzy Grotowski e Ludwik Flaszen con un scritto di Eugenio Barba [The Laboratory Theatre of Jerzy Grotowski 1959–1969, Texts and Materials by Jerzy Grotowski and Ludwik Flaszen with a text by Eugenio Barba] Pontedera 2001). Since 1984, following the dissolution of the Laboratory Theatre, Flaszen has been living in Paris. He is a member of the Honorary Committee of The Grotowski Year 2009.