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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Dariusz Kosiński

Associate Professor in the Drama Department of the Faculty of Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Researcher of the history and theory of 19th century acting (Sztuka aktorska w polskim pi¶miennictwie teatralnym XIX wieku... , 2003; Dramaturgia praktyczna. Polska sztuka aktorska XIX wieku w pi¶miennictwie teatralnym swej epoki, Krakow 2005). In the years of 2005–2008, he headed a research project on Polskie pi¶miennictwo teatralne XIX wieku. In recent years, he has focused on studying the particularities of the Polish theatre and performance traditions (Polski teatr przemiany, Wrocław 2007). He currently is working on his own synthesis of the history of Polish performing arts: Teatra polskie – historie. He is working also on drama interpretation (Sceny z życia dramatu, Cracow 2004). Together with Ireneusz Guszpit, Mr. Kosinski is preparing an edition of Juliusz Osterwa's writings on theatre (Przez teatr – poza teatr 2004; Antygona, Hamlet, Tobiasz..., Cracow 2007).