Znajdujesz się™ na archiwalnej stronie Instytutu Grotowskiego działają…cej do 21 marca 2016. Aktualna strona dostę™pna jest pod adresem: www.grotowski-institute.art.pl.
Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Zygmunt Molik

Zygmunt Molik, 2008. Phot. Maciej ZakrzewskiWas for 25 years an actor of Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium (Laboratory Theatre). He played the main role in forming the voice training initiated by Jerzy Grotowski. Releasing of the creative energy and the search of the unity and connection between the body and the voice became for him the basis of an actor’s process. The work session focuses on releasing blocked voice, body and energy.