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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Teatro La Madrugada

Teatro La Madrugada LogoWas founded in Milan in 1994 under the direction of Raúl Iaiza. Since the beginning, its members have worked to create an itinerary of training and self-education in the field of theatre, through the daily practice of individual and group work and through apprenticeship with masters of the craft.

The group finds a continuous source of teaching and inspiration in the tradition that views theatre as a possibility of creation to be developed by the converging efforts of different personalities.

The group has developed its activities in three fields:
  • the field of artistic production, through the creation of theatre performances, also including street performances;
  • the research field, aiming at the preservation of a field of inquiry and self-pedagogy in theatre crafts inside the group;
  • theatre pedagogy outside the group, through the creation and organisation of short-term seminars and long-term workshops.