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Carla Pollastrelli

Born in 1950 in Vicenza (Italy), she graduated in Polish
language and literature studies from the University in Venice with dissertation on S. I. Witkiewicz. She has been working in Centro per la Sperimentazione e la Ricerca Teatrale in Pontedera since 1977 (in 1999 changed into Fondazione Pontedera Teatro). She started a permanent collaboration with Jerzy Grotowski in 1985, which brought to form in  1986 the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski (in 1996 changed into Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards). She published and translated into Italia numerous of Jerzy Grotowski’s texts. She published among others: Il Teatr Laboratorium di Jerzy Grotowski 1959 –1969, Pontedera 2001; II edition – Florence 2007; Holiday e Teatro delle Fonti, Florence 2006, and Il teatro in Polonia. Tradizione e contemporaneità nella rivista „Dialog”, Florence 1981). She is S. I. Witkiewicz prizewinner (2000), and she was decorated by Polish Minister of Culture in 2003.