Znajdujesz się™ na archiwalnej stronie Instytutu Grotowskiego działają…cej do 21 marca 2016. Aktualna strona dostę™pna jest pod adresem: www.grotowski-institute.art.pl.
Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
River of the Body

The workshop is focused on actor’s work with body in order to overcome its resistance, to recognise and overcome its limits, and to open new channels of perception and communication.

A peculiar partnership can be achieved when one constantly evokes, deepens and maintains Attention, Precision, Continuity, Vigilance, Sincerity, and Readiness. It is manifested in deeply understood co-operation, co-creation, and co-existence in a creative process. Such understanding of partnership is the main focus of the work session in which a body merged into the stream of movement, in a live and open structure, which is a kind of a scaffolding, is directed towards the meeting with a partner. This partner can be both the presence of the Other One, as well as space, tiredness or breath.

The scaffolding, the environment of the meeting, will be work with dynamic movement, individual training, and also with elements of partner acrobatic training, as well as techniques of work with body and breath originating from Japanese martial arts – shintaido and aikido.