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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
  • Polish
  • English
Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Wakening the Listening Body

The work meeting aims to help in the search for a personal and individual expression of the physical actor/dancer within the creative process.

During the work we will pursue various open practical questions, present in our regular work.

A search for the truth of the performer, faced with the conditions of theatre, retaining the essential and avoiding unnecessary aesthetics.

The work evolves from the centralizing of energy in the body initiated mainly from the pelvic floor, as well as through the bases of isolation techniques.

A special emphasis is put on parallel relations between body-space, body-bodies, body-mind, body-memory,  body-rhythm.

Certain points covered will be:

* Wakening the listening body: Drawing attention towards the subtle     

      expression-inner articulation of the body. Wakening the “center” of the body,        

      grounding the energy of the performer.

   * Meeting bodies- working with levels of physical     

      sensitivity in partnership:

     - Discovering the quality of the other´s presence          

      through direct contact between the bodies.

     - Induction between partners.

   * Searching for forms of physical expression

       through the nature of one’s own personality. 

   * Essential structures preserved  in rhythmical scores.

   * Intuitive body – an awoken body

      The depths of improvisation using intuitive physical memory   

      as an endless  loop of  inspiration.

      Memory recollection as a result of intuitive action.

The work and exercises interact between one another. This creates a specific theatrical language through which the leaders will search for simple human meetings. 

The work session is targeted towards practitioners with an interest and experience in dance or physical theatre.

This challenge requires serious focus and precision from all engaged in the work.

It is open to those who are willing to search in less common fields of physical expression.