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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli

international art resource

Name of the Land
The Will for the Space

to nameless guardians of boundaries
to those who are already not with us,
but who as before unselfishly
serve to us

The 6th session of International Art Resource
"The Song of Songs"
Brzezinka, the forest base of the Grotowski Institute

I part:
28th September  – 2 October.
"Principles of movement. Zero ritual"
Open part of work session

II part:
4–14 October
"Name of Land. The Territory of Image"

Director of the Resource (Guardian):

Sergey Kovalevich (Moscow, Russia)

Work will be developed according to four directions:

-Work with body, physical training and elements of traditional techniques of kalarippayattu;
- Work with voice and song;
- Work with word and text;
- Work on dramatic situation and actor’s techniques. 

The session of Resource starts from presenting the material of personal work by participan ts. During the first part of session work, the group for second part of session work will be selected.
At the end of the session there will be a work demonstration presented for the audience.That is necessary to know the text "The Song of Songs" (+ 1 chapter by heart), but participant can work also with another text, in compliance with the theme of " The Song of Songs" and reconciled beforehand with the director of the Resource.
Participants should also know 3 songs (of any genre), which have relation to the text and to the theme of session.