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Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego
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Rynek-RatuszBrzezinkaNa Grobli
Marek Chlanda

graduated from a music school and the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. He is a draughtsman (“Drawn Places”) and sculptor (the “landscape-art” series of works “Roads” and “Terminals,” as well as “Untitled Sculptures,” “Instress Inscape,” “Analogous Structures,” “Outer Life”). He has also produced installations and performances. In recent years he has thoroughly explored religious themes working in the area he calls theography which encompasses the use of drawing, sculpture, painting and film footage (A Place for Ignacy, God’s Memoirs, The Afterworld, Order, Six Days, Beatifications, Outer Life) with self-commentary in a book he co-authored with Jaromir Jedliñski and Tadeusz S³awek entitled O sztuce nie¶wieckiej (forthcoming).
He has had a long-standing relationship with the Museum of Art in £ód¼, Foksal Gallery in Warsaw, and exhibited at Cracow’s Starmach Gallery and Muzalewska Gallery in Poznañ. In the fall of 2009 the National Museum in Poznañ mounted the exhibition “Marek Chlanda: Beatifications, 2006–2007.” He won the 1997 Nowosielski Foundation Award