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In addition to our in-house list, we regularly engage in co-publishing partnerships. This has so far resulted in the following publications: The special issues of the journal Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa (2, 2005), featuring a series of materials dedicated to the life and teachings of George I. Gurdjieff, edited by Grzegorz Ziolkowski in consultation with Tilo Ulbricht; in collaboration with James Moor (December 2005) Essere un uomo totale. Autori polacchi su Grotowski – L’ultimo decennio [To Be a Whole Man. Polish authors on Grotowski – the last decade], a cura di Janusz Degler e Grzegorz Ziółkowski, edizione italiana a cura di Marina Fabbri e Renata Molinari, Pisa: Titivillus Edizioni in coedizione con Il Mutamento Zona Castalia, Associazione di Cultura di Torino, 2005 Performance Research: On Performatics, issue editors: Richard Gough and Grzegorz Ziółkowski, vol. 13, No. 2, June 2008 Grotowski powtórzony [Grotowski Repeated], edited by Stanisław Rosiek, Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria, 2009 Jana Pilátová: Hnízdo Grotowskégo. Na prahu divadelní antropologie [Grotowski’s Nest. On the threshold of Theatre Anthropogy] , Praha: Instytut umění – Divadelní ústav, 2009 Zbigniew Osiński: Jerzy Grotowski. Źródła, inspiracje, konteksty [Jerzy Grotowski. Sources, inspirations, contexts], vol. 1, Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria, 2009 Zbigniew Osiński: Jerzy Grotowski. Źródła, inspiracje, konteksty [Jerzy Grotowski. Sources, inspirations, contexts] vol. 2, Gdańsk: słowo/obraz terytoria, 2009 La sacra canoa. Rena Mirecka dal Teatro Laboratorio di Jerzy Grotowski al parateatro [Sacred Canoa. Rena Mirecka from Theatre Laboratory of Jerzy Grotowski till Paratheatre], a cura di Zbigniew Jędrychowski, Zbigniew Osiński, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Edizione italiana a cura di Pier Pietro Brunelli e Luisa Tinti, Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 2010 PolskaKulturaUkraina. Wykłady o teatrze [PolandCultureUkraine. Lectures on Theatre], edited by Hannya Wesołowska end Wanda Świątkowska, translated from Polish by Lubow Horbenko, translated from Ukrainian Marta Kacwin, Kiev – Wrocław: Nacjonalnyj centr teatralnego mistectwa imeni Lesia Kurbasa, 2010 Zbigniew Władysław Solski: Fiszki Tadeusza Różewicza. Technika kompozycji w dramacie i poezji [Tadeusz Różewicz’s cards. Technique of composition in drama and poety], Opole: Uniwersytet Opolski, 2011 Rena Mirecka – teatr człowieczy. Maciej Stawiński – 30 fotografii z lat 1980–2010 [Rena Mirecka: Human Theatre. Maciej Stawiński: 30 photographes from 1980–2010]; an exhibition catalogue, 2011 Zbigniew Osiński: Jerzy Grotowski e il suo laboratorio. Dagli spettacoli a L’arte come veicolo [Jerzy Grotowski and his Laboratory. From performances till Art as a Vehicle], edited by Marina Fabbri, introduction by Eugenio Barba, afterword by Franco Ruffini, Rome: Bulzoni Editore, a 2011 Together with the Grotowski Institute, Black Mountain Press, the publishing division of the Centre for Performance Research, is currently preparing a series of books edited by Richard Gough and published with support from Instytut Książki (The Book Institute). The series, intended to promote Polish theatre and performance scholarship, will include the following titles: • Leszek Kolankiewicz, The Great Little Dipper [tentatively titled], translated by Andrzej Wojtasik • Juliusz Osterwa, Through Theatre – Beyond Theatre, selected and edited by Ireneusz Guszpit, translated by Paul Vickers. |