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Home page arrow The Theatre Laboratorium - Illustrations

The Theatre Laboratorium - Illustrations

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The Laboratory Theatre logo, adopted after Teatr Reduta, 1966
Barbara Barska (Eurydyka) and Zygmunt Molik (Heurtebis) in "Orpheus" by Cocteau, The Theatre of 13 Rows, Opole, October 1959. Phot. Leonard Olejnik
The design of the costume of Alpha and Omega, characters played by Zygmunt Molik; Cain, Opole 1960. Designed by Lidia Minticz and Jerzy Skarzynski
Rena Mirecka in Misterium-buffo by Mayakovsky, Theatre of 13 Rows, Opole, July 1960. Phot. Leonard Olejnik
A draft of the performing space for Shakuntala, Opole 1960. Author Jerzy Gurawski
Lights design for Forefather’s Eve, Opole 1961. Author Jerzy Gurawski
Cover of the programme of Acropolis, 1962. Designed by Waldemar Krygier
Zbigniew Cynkutis in the title role in Kordian by Slowacki, The Laboratory Theatre of 13 Rows, the Krzysztofory Gallery, Cracow, March - April 1962. Phot. Edward Weglowski
Ryszard Cieslak, Andrzej Bielski, and Antoni Jaholkowski in the 2nd version of Acropolis by Wyspianski, The Laboratory Theatre of 13 Rows, Klub ZMS Palacyk, Lodz, February - March 1963. Phot. The Laboratory Theatre

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